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Mark Chapter 4 Study Reference
"Whoever Has Ears to Hear" Mark 4:1-34I. He taught them many things by parables. Why did Jesus utilize parables?A. The most common answer is, "He...
Mark Chapter 3 Study Reference
Chapter 2 ended with a discussion of the Sabbath. Verses 1-12 Chapter 3 begins with a healing on the Sabbath Why is the Sabbath so prominent? Jesus...
Mark Chapter 2 Study Reference
Who does Jesus think he is? Chapter 1 Makes it clear who Mark thinks Jesus is Good news about Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God Chapter 1...
Podcast Schedule Changes!
6AM Tuesday – 10AM Tuesday We have changed the scheduled release time for the weekly podcast from 6am until 10am on Tuesdays. If you would like to...
New Podcast Series: The Gospel of Mark
We're excited to begin our new podcast series this Tuesday, 2/4! We've been MIA for several weeks and we're ready to jump back into the weekly...
Let’s look at what’s next!
Looking ahead... We just filmed and released our episode on The Reality of Hell and we're excited to film and release the next few episodes in our...
Episode 16 postponed until this afternoon 10/1
Episode 16 of the Riverside podcast will be posted later this afternoon. We will be talking about Hell. Is Hell a real place where humans will...
Tackling tough questions: A new podcast series!
Join us for this new podcast series The podcast is back on a weekly schedule after a short hiatus! We're excited to bring you a brand new series...
Podcast with Pastor Randall Ford
We had a great conversation with Randall this past week and can't wait to share this episode with you! We discussed everything about the war in...
Upcoming events for June 2022
Camp Forms DUE WEDNESDAY June 1st Kids Camp: June 19-24Youth Camp: June 26-July 1Registration forms are in the Welcome Center. Deadline to sign up:...