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Mark Chapter 4 Study Reference
"Whoever Has Ears to Hear" Mark 4:1-34I. He taught them many things by parables. Why did Jesus utilize parables?A. The most common answer is, "He used stories and settings people understood to makeGospel points." NOT why Jesus says he uses parables. Mark gives us part...
Mark Chapter 3 Study Reference
Chapter 2 ended with a discussion of the Sabbath. Verses 1-12 Chapter 3 begins with a healing on the Sabbath Why is the Sabbath so prominent? Jesus is challenging their fundamental assumptions about the law and about who Jesus is. What is the heart of the law? Mark...
Mark Chapter 2 Study Reference
Who does Jesus think he is? Chapter 1 Makes it clear who Mark thinks Jesus is Good news about Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God Chapter 1 lays out the evidence Baptism by John/annointing for his roles as prophet, priest and king Overcoming of temptation in the...
Diving into the Gospel of Mark
Tackling Tough Questions
Check out these past episodes where we discussed those tough questions that we all have or face when trying to share the gospel.
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