Check out these exciting new LifeGroups that will be starting this month!
To sign up for a LifeGroup, visit ChurchTrac!

Spring Clinevell
Miracles of Jesus
Thursday, 6:30 PM
Beginning Thursday April 22nd
Miracles of Jesus explores all four Gospels with teaching from Jennie Allen, Bianca Juárez Olthoff, Jada Edwards, and Sadie Robertson. Discover the ways Jesus healed, provided for, calmed, and resurrected the people he encountered. This seven-session study is about believing in the power of God who can accomplish anything. There’s nothing too big or too small for us to bring to him.
When we take time to learn about the overflowing kindness Jesus demonstrated to all kinds of people through miracles during his time on earth, we realize that he is radically generous, compassionate, and honoring toward all people. As you watch teaching from the places in Israel where Jesus performed miracles and dig into God’s Word, you will end the study in awe of the Messiah who relentlessly seeks, saves, and restores us.

Jeff Clinevell
The Art of Neighboring
Tuesday, 6:30 PM in room 7
Beginning Tuesday April 20th
What comes to mind when you think about your neighbors? Maybe you don’t know them very well or, if you’re honest, maybe you think the lady across the street is a bit weird. For many of us, it can be tempting to keep our distance and mind our own business in our neighborhood. But is that really how God wants us to live?
As followers of Jesus, we’ve been called to love both God and our neighbors. It’s easier said than done, but if we push past the fear, time barriers, and pride that can keep us from engaging with others, we can build deep connections with the people in our neighborhood and, most importantly, please God.
In this four-session series based on their book The Art of Neighboring, Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon help us focus on the people within our neighborhood and learn what it means to be a good neighbor. They discuss the importance of pushing through the uncomfortable feelings that come with communicating, investing in, and caring for the people who live near us. What would our communities look like if we took Jesus’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves seriously?

Tammy Blankenship
Taste and See
by Margaret Feinberg
Tuesday, 7:00 PM
Beginning Tuesday April 20th
Ladies, if you enjoy cooking and want to be reminded of God’s goodness, please consider attending a six week Bible study on Tuesday nights at the church from 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. This will be part discussion, prayer, video and social time. If you would like to attend, please text Tammy Blankenship at 540-580-0932. Books are $10 and need to be ordered, so please let me know as soon as possible.

Seth Booth
Discipleship Series
Monday, 6:00 PM
Beginning Monday April 26th
This study is targeted toward young adults in their 20s but we will welcome any who want to join us!
Discipleship is at the very heart of the ministry of Jesus. It should be at the heart of the life of the Christian as well! This series has been designed for those that are wanting to fulfill God’s plan for their lives of being Disciples of Jesus, and making Disciples of Jesu
Text Seth at 540-613-2896 if you are considering joining this lifegroup or have any questions! We will meet weekly at the church.
You can sign up on ChurchTrac or fill out the tear-off portion of your bulletin on Sunday morning.