Children's Ministry
Our Mission & Vision
At Riverside we believe in ministry to the whole family.
We understand that children are important, and that it is important to parents that their children have a safe, fun environment in which they can learn and grow. We strive to provide that, and have many dedicated volunteers who give of their time and talents. For the protection of our children we require all children to be checked in and out by their parents.
The check-in station is located at the Kidzone Entrance. Check-in begins approximately 30 minutes before each group begins.
Age groups and times
Nursery (0-2 years old)
The nursery is available during Sunday service, and at other times as needed.
Junior Church (3 years old – 2nd grade)
Children have their own time of learning, snacks, crafts, and games during Sunday services.
Kids Ministry (PreK – 5th grades)
Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm
Every Wednesday evening is an adventure with the games, lessons, an occasional outing, and lots and lots of fun. Meets in the Kidzone Wednesday at 6:30pm.

Kids at Indian Cave Youth Camp

Our kids washing each other’s feet on Wednesday night.